Friday, March 28, 2008

BEHOLD! A rating system.

"And the Lord sayeth to them: Drink wine, and describe it in a way that pleaseth me."

I give you... THE VERDICT

No, this isn't an episode of Law & Order. Seriously, though, what does 85 points mean anyway? We don't know. So rather than come up with some new and unimproved rating system, we are going to keep things simple. 

Wines are separated into 3 categories based on price; they are then given a thumbs up or thumbs down accordingly. Here's the break down:

$20 to $50 - GREAT VALUE or NOT A VALUE

$50 and up - SHELL OUT or SIT OUT

This makes it easy to find a wine that has a positive review and fits your budget.
Now, get on with it. Drink up and be somebody.

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