Friday, March 28, 2008


What blog is complete with out some Frequently Answered Questions? The truth is, no one actually asked us these questions, and thusly they cannot have possibly been asked with any sort of frequency. Nonetheless, they are questions... and we have answers.

Can you recommend a nice Strawberry Zinfandel?
Actually no, no we cannot. The truth is (and thanks for asking), we primarily drink Italian wine. Its not that we don't like wines that aren't from Italy, and in fact we do plan on sharing some of our favorites from other lands, its just we REALLY like Italian wine. Italy has so much to offer and we have so much to learn, so we have chosen to primarily focus our libations on Italian wines.

I really just like cheap wine, what do you recommend in the under $5 range?
We at The Vintage Knows share your affection for cheap wine; though, with one distinction, that it is cheap in cost but not cheap in quality. You can find a good "cheap" bottle of wine for around $10-$20 (occasionally even a little less than that), but we implore you to up your minimum a few dollars and seek out a wine that you can really enjoy.

A wine blog, eh?
We are just two guys who happen to like wine. We aren't rich and we try not to be snobby, but wine just tastes good. Our initial motivation was to create a database for the research we do on the wines we like. Our more valiant motivation is to help other people explore wine in a simple and enjoyable way. 

I'm lost, where can I get these wines?
Whenever we can, we try to include a link to where we purchased the wine in question. Often, you will find, that link will lead you to our favorite shop (Italian Wine Merchants) here in New York City. This site is a great resource for learning about and ordering Italian wine. From time to time, we also showcase some of our other favorite local wine shops; though, we always try and include information on broader availability. Please let us know if you need help finding one of the wines we've reviewed.

I have 2 bottles to drink, which one should I drink first?
A bit of a lush, aren't you? That's a good question, and one we have often answered incorrectly through our actions. Imagine the following - You get home, you've got a great bottle of wine to drink, you pop the cork and dive in. The bottle is empty, but your thirst has yet to be satiated, so you grab a dusty bottle you picked up the other day for $7 at the corner wine shop... It tastes terrible. You don't remember it being so bad. What's the deal? - Always warm up with the cheaper wine! If you start with good stuff, you'll always be a bit disgusted by the cheaper stuff. However, if you are bent on consuming an excessive quantity of wine in one sitting, don't leave the good stuff for last... you'll be too drunk to taste it.

Any other questions? Leave a comment.

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